The Alphanians
Chuck Rollhead
The second strongest of the team and very loyal to his friends and two best friends: Atom and Charlie. He is the tallest Alphanian of the team because of his reptilian species as a Dragadillo, and the last of his kind. Even as the last of his kind, he will stop at nothing to keep his friends from danger that may want to hurt them. He sometimes gets overprotective with Charlie because she is his closest friend, his crush and his first friend.
Abilities and specialties: Chuck’s long tail is so flexible that he can tie it into knots and be used as an extra hand. His hard shell allows him to curl himself into a solid ball to protect himself or his friends, if they can fit. He has a secondary gut that he uses as a pouch to store items for later use, which Atom calls the Pouch Gut, and it protects the items from his saliva. Depending on how he feels, his iris will change into three different colours. Brown is his normal eye colour, but if he feels mad, annoyed or angry, they will turn red. If he feels adoration—especially when Charlie is around—his iris will turn pink and his heart will race for her. Weakness: Chuck isn’t afraid of anything and has no weakness. Favourite quote by author: You always have the best ideas, little Marshmallow! The leader of the Alphanians and the Goddess of Hybrainia, otherwise known as the Mindatar. She is also a very strong, brave, curious (and sometimes very stubborn) young autistic teenager who loves to explore the world she had created. She began and bloomed from a legendary plant called the Youth.
She earned her name 'Diamond Alpha' because she believed herself to be a great warrioress and promised to protect her world from danger and evil while learning new abilities and magic. On her chestplate, she wields a oval sapphire amulet which spriritually represents destiny and honour. Out of all the other 9 members of her team, she is the only one who wears diamond and gold together to show her bravery and leadership. Abilities and specialties: Charlie's eyes change and glow if she's either angry that allows her to become stronger to break out of magic that holds her, or in the darkness that she can't see. She can control her size but can only shrink to the size of a mouse or grow back to her original size. She can shoot out two magical whips out of her hands that she uses as either lassos to get from place to place or as painful whacking weapons against her opponents. As she ages on and keeps exploring and gain powers from shrines, she develops new forms of herself, unlocking new and special abilities that depend on the elements of the world. Her symbols on her forehead change in form too, but the three colours remian the same. Weakness: Charlie has acrophobia; the fear of heights. In situations like climbing when she looks down, she becomes anxious and will grip herself in place and cry for help. Her friends must comfort her when she's anxious and look after her as they climb until they reach the top. Favourite quote by author: With the ten of us together, we are in it together! Atom is a loving, caring, clever and very empathic molecule-like Alphanian. He loves to explore and study the world that he is in and experiment and fabricate with his machines and gadgets that may aid his friends with adventures that they are in. He is best friends with Charlie and has a gay relationship with Chuck, sometimes calling him Chucky. However, is some situations that he and Chuck get into, they sometimes argue and not get along until the situation is settled and they get along again. He has the same stone as Charlie, but his amulet is shaped like a question mark and spiritually represents clear thinking.
Abilities and specialties: He can set different modes in his goggles to either night-vision, X-ray or Heat-ray. Atom’s body is very unique and has the ability to fall apart and bring himself back together without any injury. Weakness: Atom has Arachnophobia; the fear of spiders and scorpion, and would likely pass out and fall apart if he sees one. The arachnid must be moved out of his sight for Atom to calm down and pull himself together again. Favourite quote by author: Cross my nucleus with positive charges. A curious Batfish Alphanian with an interest of collecting shells and pearls from under the water and loves swimming. She made her last name ‘Swaan’ because she found a group of swans migrating peacefully by a dark river that she was born in and even made that her first word. She is best friends with Barbara Biggy and commonly explores the water together. They even both have a similar Alpha name. Sandy’s amulet is aquamarine and spiritually represents courage. She likes to encourage her friends, like Stephenie does, and take challenges, like Charlie does.
Abilities and specialties: Sandy has four spines on her head that she uses for defence and to ward off her opponents, possibly leaving them bleeding. She is incredibly fast underwater by using her wings like she was flying under the water. She has an incredible sense of smell and can track down things that had been forgotten or left behind. The second pair of pupils in her eyes allows her to use hindsight to visualise things that had happened from the past, giving her clues as to what could’ve happened. Weakness: Sandy is colourblind, meaning she has a hard time seeing and telling colours apart. Her friends need to help her with colours and tell her what is the right colour. Favourite quote by author: Be brave, Charlie! The youngest of the group and curious little blue Gippyguppy Alphanian. She gets along with everyone and even loves to play and explore with her friends, especially with Sandy. Similar to Sandy, she loves to collect anything that glimmers and reflects sunlight, such as shells or pearls. She wears a necklace made of pearls (which is her amulet that spiritually represents innocence) and a gold medallion with a pink heart.
Abilities and specialties: Barbara’s abilities are similar to Bucky’s because she is the same species as him. Her hands and feet are sticky, which allows her to climb onto other characters for a ride, or to get over something if needed, like a large rock to get a better look at something. She can breathe underwater and swim around swiftly. Weakness: Barbara’s medallion on her necklace can often sink her down and exhaust her to trying to swim back up if underwater. When this happens, her friends, or most likely Sandy, will let her grip onto their backs, or spines, in order for Barbara to regain her strength and energy. Bucky is Charlie’s little buddy and loves to explore the world with her, even though on some journeys and quests when he’s is not suppose to go along with. He is the second youngest and smallest of the team who wields an amethyst amulet which spiritually represents sincerity.
Due to his size and lack of strength, he is mostly very bashful. But if something catches his eyes, he becomes very curious. Abilities and specialties: Even though Bucky is not really much of a fighter, his hands and feet are sticky, which gives him an advantage to climb up walls or onto a character to ride them. He can breathe underwater and swim around swiftly by using his tail. Weakness: Bucky is cold blooded, meaning he will hibernate in cold places like the White Land if in the cold for too long. He also has separation anxiety if he is separated from Charlie and her friends, as if he was captured and taken away from them. Favourite quote by author: If she’s wanting to explore somewhere new, this is why I’ll go Very optimistic, sometimes sassy and cheerful Macetail Lizard who is 15 years old with A.D.H.D, Violet Horns is a dancing and singing star to the audience of Pollen Village and her friends. She is short, but the three orange horns on her head make her almost as tall as Charlie. On her front horn, she wields a heart-shaped peridot amulet which spiritually represents happiness (fun fact: peridot is Charlie Batt’s birth stone!). Violet has a taste for fashion and even let Tar paint her side eyelashes that are green and blue and even added patterns to her triangles that indicates her gender.
Fact: no matter the reptilian species in Hybrainia, the males have one triangle on each eye. The females have two together on each of their eyes. Abilities and specialties: Violet’s mace-like tail is so strong that she destroy anything made of wood or stone. Her tall horns on her head allow her to ram into things in order to break through or to keep her threats and opponents away. Her tail is also strong enough to break someone’s skull: her tail is like a coconut, but ten times worse and with spikes. So don’t mess with her! Weakness: Even when Violet uses her tail for defence, she can exhaust herself after swinging it that the spikes would lodge too deep into stone or wood when her guard is down, making her feel quite stuck and unable to free herself. When this happens, strong characters, such as Chuck and Charlie, need to help pull her tail until she is finally freed. Favourite quote by author: Aw...brotherly love The fastest and second tallest Alphanian of the team. He can run so fast he can beat anyone in a race, even the fastest animal on Earth! Eric sometimes likes to play pranks on his friends and is a little mischievous when it comes to pranks, but does get caught in the end.
As a Chamelio Lozard (a Hybrainian Chameleon) he changes colours depending on how he feels. For example, if he turns orange, that means he's guilty, or if he turns white, that means he's frightened or scared. Eric has 3 tails that each have unique patterns and colours, the middle tail wields a turquoise amulet that spiritually represents success. Eric is obsessed with all colours, no matter the spectrum is, except for black and grey, which he finds disgusting. Abilities and specialties: Eric can turn invisible if he needs to hide from danger and escape. His 3 tails have feathers which gives him his unimaginable speed and make him so light that he has no problem with climbing. Weakness: Eric sometimes has severe anxiety if he thinks about something too much that he would go insane. When this happens, his friends need to calm him down and remind him that his friends are always there for him. The sweetest and most kind-hearted Alphanian of the team who loves to meditate and experience mindfulness. Stephenie Bloom is very optimistic, brave and gentle to her friends and other people who she knows or don't know, and is Tar's soulmate. She loves nature and knows many, many ways to cheer someone up and make their day better.
Unlike the team, Stephenie has a very unique accent and a way she looks at things. For example, she knows about the human world and has been learning Japanese from Charlie and is very curious about the nature of Earth. Stephenie is very mature and responsible for things like breaking up fight and talking it out, or to comfort someone if they are having a bad day and just needs a hug and advice. Similar to Tar Chromia, Stephenie's eyes have 2 colours; orange in the inside and pink on the outside. She wields a diamond amulet on her forehead which represents enduring love. Abilities and specialties: Stephenie has a special talent, which is playing either her flute or violin. When she plays any of her two instruments, the people who are depressed will be sucked into her soothing melody and will eventually have a smile be put onto their face and have their minds and hearts feeling better. Sometimes, if someone has anger issues and her instruments aren’t enough, she will take them into her zen room in the Alphanian Ship, lay or sit them down on a mat in the middle of her room and play different soothing sounds such a chimes, little bells, etc, around them to clear their minds. Weakness: Stephenie isn't afraid of anything and has no weakness. Favourite quote by author: I will always make anyone feel better when they feel down about anything. I'm always happy to help The lover of music and master DJ of the booth, he is Tar Chromia, the Music Master. He loves songs that are techno, hip-hop, pop, funk, country, etc, all except for negative or sad songs. He often plays and makes songs in his room inside the Alphanian Ship, known as his Stage of Instrumental Everything, and can even be heard from outside the ship! Tar has heterochromia, meaning he has 2 colours, one green eye and one blue eye. When he feels hyped and goes with the flow of his songs or when DJing, he will show the rock and roll sign on his hand and stick out his tongue. He wields an opal amulet which spiritually represents hope. He gets along very well with the team and the people he knows, and is great friends with Violet because she loves music too. Every now and then if he has spare time and not making music, he likes to do graffiti as another hobby while he listens to his songs to keep in his mood of creativity. Abilities and specialties: Tar is extremely talented at rapping and beatboxing when performing on stage. But when he is very sucked into the music, he would show some amazing tricks with his stunning dance moves, even dance fight! Weakness: Tar was born with a condition called vasovagal syncope, meaning he will pass out from the sight of blood, no matter what colour it is. His friends, if a character is bleeding even lightly, need to cover his eyes and tell him that it’s just a light wound. If they say it’s a cut, he gets very petrified. Favourite quote by author: Go with the flow, bro! |
The Fortress
Queen Scarlet |
The evil leader of all Monster Soldiers, archers and destruction. Queen Scarlet looks very similar to Charlie, but only cares about power, dominance, finding secrets and destroying everything in her path. Everyone in her Fortress must obey her or they would face her dangerous consequences. She wields a staff with an orange, red and yellow shifting gem that harnesses the power of fire and dark magic.
Abilities and specialties: Scarlet, if someone in her Fortress disobeys her, will blaze and fill the room that she and the person are in with fire to prevent them from escaping her wrath. She will then scream dramatically until she releases a powerful blazing shockwave that destroys everything around her. This is known as her Wild Rage; her specialty. She uses her fire gem for multiple purposes via using dark magic to nab objects around her, hover over the ground, and steal memories and colours from poor Singanoids with the gem, commonly turning them into grey monster soldiers, archers, etc. However, there is a 5% difference that she takes away the Singanoid’s memory and colour, but are still themselves with only very few of their memories remaining, but the Singanoid is more depressed, lonely and weaker. Weakness: Scarlet hates losing and suffering in failure. The people in Pollen Village believe her weakness is water because it puts her hair out. But, her true weakness remains a mystery to this very day! Favourite quote by author: If you don’t wanna do what I tell you, then I’ll burn you to cinder! |
IMAGINE: A Wild Civilisation
The protector of his tribe and armed with a long and dangerous spear who patrols the wilderness for any signs of intruders who don’t belong to his island. If needed to for his village, Hajuan will scout for resources such as food or materials that aren’t in his village, and always makes sure that his people are happy and healthy. He is a true believer of Charlie and her Alphanians, and sees her as a great warrioress that he willingly shows her how his people live and believe in her in the Island of Cocoa. Abilities and specialties: Hajuan’s eyes have gotten so use to hunting in the night they developed a night-vision that also makes them glow in the darkness. He uses the darkness to his advantage to stalk and scare his intruders by making unusual sounds before striking them down one by one until they are all dealt with, and kicks them back into the ocean. Weakness: If Hajuan gets too injured in a fight that one of his arms break, he becomes vulnerable as he uses both his arms to grip, coordinate and position his spear to attack his targets or intruders. Favourite quote by author: When me and Ching Ching have our ceremony, we will be the next chiefs. Hajuan’s girlfriend and also a true believer of Charlie, like him and the rest of their tribe. She is very energetic and had been waiting for Charlie’s arrival because she wanted to help her unlock her aquatic abilities that she later discovers in the third story (IMAGINE: The Golden Starpearl) when the Silver Moon reaches its full phase. During the first story, Ching Ching gets herself ready for the ceremony in the Droplet Tree. |
IMAGINE: The Long Winter
Maximus Gray |
The middle child of the Gray family and the only one with a scarred eye that bleeds when emotional.
When he was a little boy, an attacker slashed their weapon through his eye, leaving serious bleeding. Luckily, Quil came to his rescue by giving the attacker a hard blow between their eyes, causing them to collapse onto the ground in pain. He got Maximus up to his feet and went as fast as they could into a forest to escape their attacked village. Quil and Maximus managed to survive. However, Maximus’s eye wouldn’t stop bleeding, so he attempted to heal his eye by using magic his mother taught him, putting it back to one. It left a mark of where it was cut, his iris turned grey and blinded. His scar healed only enough to stop the constant bleeding, and now only bled when upset. It was part of his life now and had to be careful and stay close to Quil in case terrible things happened to him. Abilities and specialties: Maximus is a sorcerer, meaning he can use magic for different purposes, such as using his red tears to make shapes of living things or spirits. He can also make closed flowers bloomed to satisfy himself and nearby animals in the forest, where he and Quilson live by a twisty yellow-biofluorescent tree that was spaced from the surrounding trees around them. Weakness: If Maximus stays upset for too long and his eye bleeds too much, the lack of blood in his head will make him feel dizzy and likely pass out. He also fears of being away from his older brother because he believed he was the only person in his family left to look after him if anything terrible happened. As long as Quilson was nearby, he was okay. |
Quilson Gray |
The eldest sibling of the Gray family and a brave archer who wields his father’s burned-tipped bow to remember him. He takes great care of his younger brother, Maximus Gray, and always makes sure that he has a smile on his face.
When Quil was younger, he and his two younger siblings had to flee from their old village because it was being attacked. He managed to survive and save Maximus from getting killed by one of the attackers that night and escape into the forest, but they never found their younger sister. They both always believed their sister was still out there and they would find her one day, even when they grew older to the present day. Quil was told by his dad, when he was still alive, that he explored the White Land when he was his age and got to see the Kyanite Wisps, and one day Quil would see them too. During the Autumn, Quil decides to follow his dream and leaves the mainland to explore the White Land, just like when his father did. Some time later, he finally reached the Kyanite Cave, but was trapped by the storm and wasn’t able to set foot outside, or he would freeze. He had no way out, but he knew who Maximus would call for when he was gone for too long. He remained calm and patient until he was saved by Charlie, Bucky, Ryan Cyan and Enigma, and was brought home and back to Maximus. Abilities and specialties: Quilson was trained by his dad, who was also a brave archer, and he has very great focus and precision when aiming his arrow at a target that he never misses a shot. Quil also knows how to make potions from his mother, who was a sorceress of potions and magic. Though, he only makes potions to heal wounds and make people feel better from sickness (Iemunity is mostly made for that) by using his old recipe book and uses ingredients from the wilderness to make. He never made any potions that had power because he worried that they would go into the wrong hands and destroy Pollen Village. Weakness: Quil worries when Maximus is sad because blood will run down from his scarred eye. If Maximus feels emotional for too long, he will get dizzy and potentially faint. If this happens, Quil takes Maximus to Atom or Pollen Village so he can help him recover from his lack of blood flow in his head. Favourite quote by author: I had hope in me that some friends would save me. So that was my option. |
Ryan Cyan |
A heartful and caring Surviving Mind who loves Charlie and Bucky as best friends. He has a great desire to explore the world he was born in, even find his first soulmate.
He grew up in the Fortress being constantly bullied and discriminated against by everyone for no reason. One day, he finally confronts Scarlet by declining a question, but ended up making her so angry that she blows him all the way to the White Land. Luckily, by where he crash-landed in the cold wilderness, Charlie and Bucky were nearby and they found him, and both decided to help him find his way to a better life. At some point in the journey, he almost dies from hypothermia, but was saved just in time by a Kyanite Wisp who changes him into a Frost Singanoid and keeps him warm by hiding in his heart for most of the journey. When they meet Mavis, Ryan Cyan falls in love with her, but doesn’t know how to express his feelings for her due to his timidity. But with the help and kind support from Charlie, he gradually got more confident until he finally expressed his strong feelings for her. Abilities and specialties: After being turned into a Frost Singanoid (minus the symbols of snowflakes and the eye colour which is commonly blue for a Frost Singanoid) he can survive longer in the White land without feeling cold unless he stays in the open for more than ten minutes. He has an angelic singing voice that he willingly unleashes into the world around him to let people know his desire for the one he loves the most and his wish for freedom. Weakness: Though Ryan Cyan is a brave and passionate Surviving Mind, his past creeps into his mind every now and then, making him feel miserable. Thankfully, later on in the story, those worries disappear from his mind for good. Favourite quote by author: Are we becoming best friends? |
Mavis |
The daughter of Chief Coal and the first forager of the Ice Village. She is very brave, talented and sometimes stubborn, especially when harvesting Frost Tomatoes (the most common source of food for the people in the Ice Village).
She was thought to be a thief because she steals Charlie’s Iemunity only to heal her father from a dreadful Ice Worm bite. She has a great desire in exploring the Kyanite Cave-the ancient sanctuary in the centre of the White Land followed by the Aurora River, a glowing river that shines like an aurora borealis. She hoped for a long time that someone would join her dream, but no one did until she meets Charlie, Bucky and Ryan Cyan. Abilities and specialties: She is a great expert in her surroundings. She has been to a lot of familiar places and always comes prepared for different journeys ahead of her. She carries particular tools for different uses, such as ice picks for climbing, a side belt for carrying food or water and a bag to collect Frost Tomatoes if necessary. She also knows how to make someone wake up from passing out; she first checks their temperature before picking up a handful of snow to spread onto their faces, cooling them down and recover their consciousness. Weakness: Mavis is not afraid of anything and has no weakness. Favourite quote by author: Whenever there is an aurora, it will guide you to somewhere magical! |